Friday, July 06, 2012

happy birthday sweet Annie Rice...

I can't believe how fast this year has gone...My Annie Rice is 2 today! As an adoptive mom, even though I didn't physically give birth to her, her birthday is still just as important to me as someone who did give birth to their child. I will never be able to give her details of what happened on her birthday, but I will be able to share with her that her birth mom and dad loved her and that the Lord brought her into this world for a very special reason, and that He has big plans for her life. She is growing into such a sweet, caring, little girl. We tell her that all time...She is so thoughtful and caring. We have told her that so much, now when she blows someone a kiss, etc she will say to herself, "So sweet". I can't imagine life without this little girl, and I'm so thankful that the Lord called us to adopt so that I could be apart of this little girl's life. She is a true blessing and something that I will never take[at least try not to take] for granted. We love you so much, Annie Rice. You are a true JOY and BLESSING in our life. 

1 year ago....


Elizabeth Edwards said...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Annie Rice!! hope you have a wonderful day. love the photos. please, turn that face upside down .. no tears or crying please. my granddad (my mom's dad) was a Rice ... makes me think of him each time i read your posts about Annie Rice. so sweet. would have loved to meet him. one day i guess. enjoy your weekend. big hugs to you both. is it warm there? here in VA it is nuts. the humidity & all. stay cool. (:

Ashley said...

Happy birthday, Annie Rice!!

BARBIE said...

Wow, that last year just flew by. She's adorable, as always! Happy birthday sweet girl!