Sunday, April 10, 2011

one of those great days, bad days...

My trip to DC was a blast! I had a lot of fun with Emily and Matias! My favorite day was when we went into the city and saw the cherry blossoms! They were absolutely gorgeous! While it was a great day, it didn’t go without some crazy things happening:) It honestly could have been in one of those “great day, bad day” movies! We made the best of every situation BUT it was crazy!
I’ll tell you how the day started....
We were in the city looking for parking...Emily wanted to eat at a certain restaurant so we tried looking for parking nearby, but couldn’t find any, so we made our way to the parking area for the cherry blossom festival. Along the way, we turned down a 3 lane 1 WAY street! THANKFULLY, NO cars were coming! At the cherry blossom festival parking area, there were 20 stops AND WE FINALLY found parking at stop 18! Emily parked the car and started changing Matias...Just in the middle of that, the bus pulled around so she quickly finished up with him. I grabbed him along with the camera bag, diaper bag, umbrella and rain coat while she grabbed the stroller. Matias was also barely hanging in my arms! We looked like such a mess trying to get on the bus someone gave up there seat for me:) Once we got off the bus at the cherry blossom festival we made our way to the restaurant which was 2 miles away! I kept seeing some really dark clouds behind us so I told Emily to grab the umbrella. MUCH TO MY SURPRISE, it bent on the plane ride so we were down to just a rain coat. While we were walking up a steep hill, the down pour came! I was trying to cover my camera while pushing the stroller and running! Emily was trying to run and cover Matias! WE GOT SOAKED! Matias thought it was the funniest thing that he got wet!
Once we got to the restaurant, it was PACKED and there was no room for us so we went next door to a pizza place! That craziness is a whole other story:) After eating, we went to the cherry blossom festival! It did rain again, but we were able to take cover in a museum! I really enjoyed walking around and looking at all the trees! It rained so much, mud was everywhere! My jeans, shoes, and socks were soaked and covered in mud! We talked about going to Georgetown cupcakes ALL DAY! We were so exited to go there after we left DC. We waited in traffic for 30 minutes in 1 intersection...finally found parking that cost $7 an to the cupcake store and were BLOWN AWAY AT THE LINE! It probably would have taken 2 hours plus to get a cupcake. The line literally wrapped around 3 blocks! NEEDLESS to say, we didn’t wait:( So instead, we ate our roasted nuts that we bought in DC, THAT BY THE WAY, we barely had enough money for. They cost $8...We had together $6 in dollar bills and $2 in change! Another memorable story to our day!
All together, it was a great trip! The first day was rocky BUT we made the best of it and it was actually fun despite all the CRAZINESS! It was MY FAVORITE day!

some of the dark clouds...

 Trying to get enough money for the roasted nuts...

 after the down pour...


will + adri said...

That line at DC Cupcakes reminds me of the line for The Lady and Sons in Savannah. I was so stoked about eating lunch at the restaurant, and we got in town to find out that you had to go in the early morning, stand in line, get a ticket time to come back, to eat lunch at the time slot you'd been given. My husband was not so thrilled at this process and we skipped out on it. Maybe another time!

mom said...

Glad you had a great time but I am glad you are home now. I love you, mom