Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Do you ever read my blog and think that I didn’t take English or Grammar classes growing up or in college? Because sometimes, I wonder that myself! I’ve mentioned several times that I’m not a writer, I’m not good at grammar, I can’t spell, and I know nothing about nouns, pronouns, punctuation, etc. AND YES, there are already spelling issues in just the above sentences that thankfully Microsoft word picked up:) BUT there’s other words that spelling check doesn’t pick up....The only person to ever point those out to me is my sweet, loving husband. Sometimes I wonder if he just laughs out loud when he see’s them because when he calls to tell me I’ve spelled something the wrong way, I can’t help but laugh! For instance, yesterday...Did anyone notice that I spelled my waist, my waste? Like trash. That’s just 1 example, but there were quite a few according to Kaz. 
My sophomore year of college, I took an English class with the HARDEST teacher at Francis Marion University. It was the only class still open so I didn’t really have a choice! Everyone told me going into it how hard core this teacher was! The first week of class she told us to write a rough draft of a personal experience in our life. We would have 3xs to show her our rough drafts and then the 4th time would be the final paper. No kidding, all 3xs she told me to keep the first sentence and start over! THANKFULLY, my sweet friend and roommate Anne had pity on me and helped re-write my whole paper! I don’t know what I would have done without her because this happened all semester long! My teacher, I know thought I was crazy because my favorite word[sometimes still is] was LEARNT. I used it all the time and finally she told me learnt was not a word! That has been a laughing joke amongst college friends since then BUT I still use it! AND I actually saw it in a book last year. I had to take a picture and send it to my friends:)
SO, PLEASE don’t think I’m a nut case when reading my blog! I use words wrong ALL THE TIME! I don’t even think about it. I probably spell them wrong all the time...I get quiet and quite, receipt and recipe, pen and pin, and a lot of other words confused all the time! AND I probably messed up somewhere in this post, BUT I LOVE TO WRITE! 
my sweet friend Anne....


Unknown said...

I am the same way!! grammar/spelling and me just don't go together!!

Chrissie said...

I love this post! I feel exactly the same way. I love to write, but I am not good at spelling and grammar. My excuse is that I write how I speak! If people read my blog its like listening to me talk - and I feel like your blog is the same. You tell stories of your life in such an easy-to-read way. P.S. I write learnt too - I know it's in my blog multiple times!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

considering i don't do well with writing & grammar either... i seriously have no room to judge. i wish that people who are great at the gift would feel for ones like us ... we have other gifts that we do better. i keep a dictionary with me all the time ... use spell check, read things over & over ... kind of OCD about it ... & sometimes i still spell things wrong. but i get over ... because i'm only human. i love reading what you have to say. you make me smile. have a great day. you would think that the teacher at college would be more understanding. nuts. (:

Cary Dale Taylor said...

I cannot spell either. I have 2 degrees and can't spell. It is crazy. Thank goodness I had an English teacher mom in college before spell check.

Tiffany said...

I am glad to know I am not the only one! I feel like people must think I am I am just not good at grammer or spelling! AND I write like I talk too! When teaching I always had to get someone to proof my stuff!!